16th SGBED Conference Proceedings
15th SGBED Conference Proceedings
14th SGBED Conference Proceedings
14th SGBED Conference Supplementary Proceedings
14th SGBED Conference Presentation
13th SGBED Conference Proceedings
12th SGBED Conference Proceedings
11th SGBED Conference Proceedings
10th SGBED Conference Proceedings
9th SGBED Conference Proceedings
8th SGBED Conference Proceedings
7th SGBED Conference Proceedings

Academy of Global Business Research and Practice
19th International Conference of the Academy of Global Business Research and Practice (AGBRP)
"Sustainability: Perspectives of Policy, Business,
Technology, AI, and Education"
Date: 8 - 10 January 2025
Location: JW Marriott Hotel Marina, Dubai
Blended Mode

Nature and Scope of the conference
The Academy of Global Business Research and Practice (AGBRP) serves as an interdisciplinary forum where policy makers, academics, business and technology leaders, and entrepreneurs converge to explore the challenges at the intersection of environmental sustainability, business practices, and cutting-edge technologies. With a focus on collaboration and innovation, AGBRP is exploring multi-stakeholder approaches to sustainability in an uncertain and polarized global context. The conference will highlight the role and societal impact of higher education, business strategies, advances in technology and artificial intelligence (AI) in promoting common good.
Conference Tracks
In view of the above, the 19th AGBRP Conference invites competitive papers, extended abstracts, case studies, proposals for panel discussions, and student research and poster sessions for the following tracks:
Track 1: Public Policy & National Strategies for Sustainable Development
Global Agenda:
Sustainability of Natural Resources & Emphasis on Renewables
Global Warming (Climate Change) COP 28
Carbon Footprint
Country Differences in SDGs Performance
National Priorities in a Volatile Geo-Political Context:
Priorities Differ Among Developed and developing economies
Funding to meet SDGs targets
Fossil Fuels vs. Renewables
Targets for Carbon Emissions: Carbon Pricing, Carbon Taxation, Cap and Trade Systems
CSR Programs:
Making CSR a Requirement to Engage in ESG & UNSDGs
Affirmative Action Policies & Inclusive Development:
Access to Quality Education
Increased Role of Women in Governance
Cash Transfers and Subsidized Food for BOP Population
Track 2: Practitioner Track: Sustainable Business Practices
Climate Change Adaptation
Green Technologies
Clean Production Processes
Zero Carbon
Water Management
Sustainable Reporting
Partnership with Non-Profit Organizations
Responsible Sourcing
Closed-LOOP/ Supply Chain Management
Waste Management & Recycling
Conservation of Natural Resources
Energy Transitions
Sustainable Packaging
Digital Advertising
Social Media and Networks
Track 3: Sustainable FDI, Global Supply Chain, International Trade & Logistics
Disruptions in Global Supply Chains;
Global Value Chains;
World Trade;
Intra-Regional Trade;
Shipping & Logistics;
Preferential Trade Agreement Between UAE-India;
UK in Post-BREXIT Environment
Global Impact of China-USA Stalemate;
Geo-Political Conflicts;
Emerging Markets: BRICS, Global South;
M&A, FDI, Technology Transfer, R&D & IPR
Track 4: Corporate Governance, Strategy, CSR and ESG Reporting
Leadership Commitment to CSR, ESG & UNSDGs;
Green Investing;
ESG Reporting and Compliance in Multinational Markets;
Conservation of Resources;
Recycling & Waste Management;
Corporate Reputation, Branding & Ethical Issues;
Race, Ethnicity and Gender Issues in Workplace;
Serving Subsistence and BOP Markets;
Track 5: Emerging Technologies, AI & Digital Sustainability
Digital Innovations and Digital Tools for Sustainable Development;
Artificial Intelligence (AI), Open AI, Machine Learning and Societal Impact;
Big Data;
Business Analytics;
Data Protection & Privacy;
Cybersecurity Risks;
3D Printing, Automation, Robotics, Drones;
Social Media, Gaming, Virtual Reality (VR);
Ethical AI & Responsible Innovations
Track 6: Entrepreneurship, Circular Economy & Frugal Innovation (Jugaad)
Digital Start-Ups in Emerging Markets;
Role of Incubation, Mentoring, Venture capital, Crowd funding, etc.,
Higher Education, Technology Clusters, Networks & NGOs as Drivers of Entrepreneurship;
Women in Digital Entrepreneurship;
Social Entrepreneurship;
Rural Entrepreneurship;
Digital Applications in Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises;
Circular Economy & Waste Management solutions;
Frugal Innovation (Jugaad);
Track 7: Responsible Higher Education; Societal Impact (AACSB)
Technology in Education;
Curriculum, Research and Service with Societal Impact;
Issues of Quality, Standards & Accreditation;
Continuous Education;
Open Universities;
HEI Community Engagement and Assessment of Societal Impact;
Societal Impact of Affirmative Action, Social Mobility & Inclusive Development;
Partnerships for Experiential Learning, Internships & Placement;
Track 8: HRM in a Digitized World of Work:
Investing in Continuous Education, Training and Retention of Workforce;
Cross-Country Mobility of STEM qualified Workforce;
Managing Digital Natives in Workplace: Millennials, and Gen Z;
Women in Workplace & Closing the Gender gap;
Managing Workforce in Virtual and Hybrid Organizations;
Executive Education & Training in Soft Skills, Professions & Occupations;
Track 9: Accounting, Finance, Taxation, Corruption & Transparency Issues
Banking, Capital Markets, Sovereign Wealth Funds & Islamic Finance;
Taxation, Carbon Tax, Tax Havens, Investment Subsidy & Free Trade Zones;
Micro Finance;
Social Impact Investing;
IFRS Sustainability Reporting and Disclosure;
Valuation of Intangibles, Intellectual Property, and Goodwill;
Triple Bottom Line Accounting;
Track 10: Marketing, Sales & Communication in a Digital World
Product Design, Packaging and Promotion with a Focus on Sustainability;
Value Creation: Customer Life time Value & CRM;
Brand Loyalty;
Data Driven, Social Media, AI and Internet-Based, Cause-Based Marketing;
Digital Marketing (B2G, B2B, B2C);
Omni Channels & Multilevel Platforms;
Service Marketing;
Software as a Service (SaaS);
Streaming Services;
Social Marketing;
Green Marketing;
Macro Marketing;
Track 11: Food Security and Sustainable Agriculture
Food Production Systems;
Indigenous Knowledge;
Organic farming;
Food Loss (Farm to Fork) Production, Processing & Distribution;
Food Subsidy;
Consumption, Calories and Nutrition;
Small & Micro Farms;
Farmers’ Markets;
Price Guarantee Schemes;
ROI & Risks in Farming;
Contract Farming, Aggregators & Co-ops;
Track 12: Sustainability Issues in Public Health, Healthcare and Pharmaceuticals;
Right to Health;
Health Literacy and Preventive Health Behaviour;
Quality of Public Health in Cities and Rural Communities;
Garbage Disposal, Hygiene & Sanitation; Drinking Water;
Attitude towards Blood & Organ Donation, Smoking & Alcohol Abuse;
Pharmaceutical Packaging, Pricing and Distribution of Drugs;
Obesity, Diabetes, Senior Care;
Ethical Issues;
Track 13: Renewable Energy Transitions & Sustainability
Bio Fuels;
Oil Exploration & Environmental Issues;
Renewable Energy;
EV enabled Transportation Systems;
Track 14: Sustainable Tourism, Leisure, Sports & Games
Inbound and Outbound Tourism:
Eco-Adventure Tourism;
Culture Tourism;
Medical Tourism;
Sports Tourism, Business Tourism;
Cruise Tourism;
Factors Influencing Choice of Tourism Location/Place;
Call for Papers: Opens on 1st February 2024
Extended Abstract/Full Paper Deadline: 30 November, 2024
Registration Deadline: 30th November, 2024
Acceptance notification will be sent on a rolling basis
Submission Types
The AGBRP welcomes a diverse range of research methods and is open to papers, presentations, and panels that rel on statistical inference, qualitative data, verbal theory, computational models, mathematical models, literature review, and case studies. We invite you to submit any of the following types of your work to the conference:
Type 1: Collaborative Research and Presentations
Research collaborations involving input from dual or multiple perspectives including from business, academia, policy-makers, public sector organisations and institutions, NGOs, not-for-profits and communities on business and management issues – particularly those that address issues of risk and uncertainty, collaboration and/ or innovation and technological change.
Type 2: Practitioner Research and Presentations
Two options are available for practitioners. The first option in this submission type is for presentations that provide a real-world perspective on management issues within organizations; these presentations seek to provide a view of these management issues from the practitioner perspective. The second option in this submission type is for the presentation of original case studies that focus on contemporary, real-world management issues and provide recommendations for management practice and/or education.
Type 3: Academic Research
Presentations in this submission type will focus on one of the following three areas of scholarship:
Basic or discovery scholarship that generates and communicates new knowledge and understanding and/or development of new methods. Intellectual contributions in this category are normally intended to impact the theory, knowledge, and/or practice of business.
Applied or Integration/application scholarship that synthesizes new understandings or interpretations of knowledge or technology; develops new technologies, processes, tools, or uses; and/or refines, develops, or advances new methods based on existing knowledge. Intellectual contributions in this category are normally intended to impact the practice of business.
Teaching and learning scholarship that develops and advances new understandings, insights, and teaching content and methods that impact learning behaviour. Intellectual contributions in this category are normally intended to impact the teaching of business (in accordance with the AACSB Accreditation Standards).
Type 4: Student Research
This submission type is for research presentations of student work both graduate and undergraduate that focus on the same scholarship areas as in the Academic Research track. This includes student-led joint faculty and student research.
Type 5: Symposium, Workshop, and Panels
This submission type is for those who would like to present a workshop in either panel or presentation format and includes themed symposia for presentation of graduate research. These sessions will relate to the Conference themes and enhance positive Conference impact and meaningful take-aways for Conference attendees. Symposia, workshops and panels are, where possible, provided exclusive programming time separate from other presentations and are highly encouraged to envision participation from various disciplines and organizations.
Submission Guidelines
All paper submissions need to include:
A cover page including the title of the paper, the author(s) name(s) and affiliation(s), the lead author’s email address, and a track (number and name from the list ).
The second page of the submission should include the title and an abstract not exceeding 250 words, followed by the body of the paper.
Papers should be 1.5 spaced, not exceed 10,000 words, and in APA referencing style. All submissions will be subject to a double-blind review process. By default, all accepted papers will be published in proceedings online by AGBRP with an ISBN number. If you do NOT want your paper published in this manner, please inform the Track Chair at the time of acceptance and to the AGBRP secretariat: info@agbrp.world
All authors should provide their Paper ID for any communication.
Submission link : Click here
Conference PRINCIPAL chair
Conference Co-Chairs (Ex Officio)
Dr. Sivakumar Venkataramany, Burton D. Morgan Chair Professor of Business Enterprise, Dauch College of Business & Economics, Ashland University, USA. Email: svenkata@ashland.edu
Dr. Silvio Cardinali, Vice President, AGBRP; Department of Management, Università Politecnica Delle Marche, Ancona, Italy. Email: s.cardinali@staff.univpm.it
Dr. Mario H. Ogasavara, Professor of International Business, ESPM, (Escola Superior de Propagandae Marketing), Sao Paulo, Brazil. Email: mario.ogasavara@espm.br
Dr. Rajeshwari Narendran, Director, NTPC School of Business, Noida, India. E-mail: director@nsb.ac.in
Dr. Arvinder P.S. Loomba, Professor of Project, Operations, SCM, and Medical Product Development Management, School of Global Innovation & Leadership, Lucas College and Graduate School of Business, San José State University, San Jose, California, USA.,USA. Email: arvinder.loomba@sjsu.edu
Dr. Gouher Ahmed, Vice President, AGBRP; Professor of Strategic Leadership & International Business, SOB, Skyline University College, UAE. Email: gouherahmed@agbrp.world
Executive committee
Dr. C. Jayachandran, President-AGBRP, Professor, Department of Marketing, Montclair State University,
NJ, USA. -
Dr. Silvio Cardinali, Vice President, AGBRP, Associate Professor, Department of Management,
Università Politecnica delle Marche, Università Politecnica Delle Marche, Ancona (AN), Italy. -
Dr. Gouher Ahmed, Vice President of Administration and Programs-AGBRP, Professor of Strategic
Leadership and International Business, Skyline University College, UAE. -
Dr. Devon Johnson, Vice President of Finance-AGBRP, Associate Professor, Department of Marketing,
Montclair State University, NJ, USA.
AGBRP 2025 Conference Registration Fees in $US

Note: To verify whether you qualify for the Low-and Lower Middle-Income Economies ticket, please refer to the World Bank’s current list of classifications here.
Refund policy
All cancellations must be notified by e-mail (johnsonde@mail.montclair.edu and info@agbrp.world) to the Vice President of Finance.
The following conditions will be applied:
30 days or more before the conference: a 50% cancellation fee will be withheld for an administrative fee
30 days or less: no refund
No refund will be provided to online participants and attendees
Reimbursement will be processed 30 days after the conference.
Best paper awards
Tony Travaglione Best Paper Award and Certificate
Martin Rahe Best Paper Award and Certificate
Nitin Sanghavi Best Paper Award and Certificate
AGBRP Best Paper Award and Certificate in selected domain
Conference Venue
JW Marriott Hotel Marina, Dubai
Phone: +971 443 67777
Map: https://maps.app.goo.gl/yywvoL3JESR7PWx5A
Visa/Hotels/Emirates Airlines Discounted Air Ticket Coupon
For information regarding visa, accommodation, please visit the following link
academic partners
University of Wollongong, Australia (Top 200 University - QS World Ranking)
Newcastle Australia Institute of Higher Education (Singapore)/University of Newcastle Australia
(Top 200 University - QS World Ranking, Top 5 in the World for Partnering for a Sustainable Future- Times Ranking)
Leading business school ​in energy sector in India
Vellore Institute of Technology, India
Top 200 University Globally
Times Higher Education Ranking

Strategic partners/Sponsers
Government of Dubai, Dubai Economy and Tourism. Emirates Airlines

Italian Society of Management

Media partners